Archive for September 2010

Zora on G-Day

I’ve designated Friday “G-Day” since we have the ultrasound and are hoping for an immodest baby who will let the tech determine gender. We’re finding out. For a variety of reasons, but one being I figure it’ll be easier to prep Zora at age 4 if we can tell her the gender a few months [...]

The Cost of Worship

My alma mater has announced that they will begin charging for tickets to the annual Christmas Festival. Now, I get full well that this is an expensive festival. The cost of crowd and traffic control, production, broadcasts, etc etc etc has got to astronomical. And I agree completely that foisting this cost off onto the [...]

Can you go home?

My presbytery met in Freeport, Il this week, which meant a long (and beautiful) drive through rural Illinois. On my way back, I did a little Christian Reformed sight seeing. How could I not turn off of the county highway onto “Holland Church Rd” to follow the signs to the Christian Reformed Church? It made [...]


To be totally honest, the week after Labor Day makes me a little panicky. It’s not that I don’t love my job. It’s just that the full on force of a church program year is about to kick in and there is alot to do. Really all of it is wonderful stuff (I get to [...]


At least until we set up the crib & find the comfy chair, here’s the room. By FAR the most organized & pleasant office space we’ve ever had. In fact, we just ate supper in here (though mostly because the rest if the house has been so neglected that we can’t find a clear surface [...]

Making room

We live in a giant 2 bedroom condo. In city terms it’s huge. In suburban terms, not so much. One friend recently told me that someone asked her where we planned to move in order to make room for the baby. There are many pieces of planning that involve making room. Not just physical, but [...]

Tormented by craftiness

Call it advanced mama-guilt: I’m starting to realize there are some special things I can pull off with one kid that I will not be so able to do with two. Zora and I were at a fabric store a few weeks ago and she was entranced with the Halloween costume pattern books. I have [...]