Archive for March 2010

Empty Donkey

Zora spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, and went to the little Episcopal church around the corner from their place. It was most definitely a “tourist church” experience…she was requested for the weekend and we sent her in large part because this church does a full-on processional through the neighborhood, complete with live donkey. [...]


Mark 12:1-12 Fox Valley Presbyterian Church My bike repair shop has a bumper sticker up on the wall: “Illinois Earthquake Survivor.” By God’s grace, that earthquake on February 10 was a minor one. (I know I rolled over and went back to sleep right after concluding that perhaps a snowplow had hit out building.) But [...]

some good things in the middle of some not so great days

Long story, but life has been a little nutty around here. So, in an effort to make myself feel better, I’ve spent the day thinking about things that would qualify as “good things”, little things, that are happy-making. This is sort of my cross between Martha Stewart or Oprah’s columns and that song: When among [...]

It Has Been Said

Luke 4:1-13 Fox Valley Presbyterian Church (Originally Preached on Lent 1C, February 21, 2010) Temptation is not really a dirty word anymore. Think about it: it’s a word used to brand and identify: chocolates; resorts; a dating service in the UK ; there’s even a men’s deodorant line that has a scent named: “dark temptation” [...]