Jumping Beans

One of the first times I got to hang out with moms who I really truly think are my peers: Heidi and Meika went to seminary with me. (And, Meika and I were actually campers together as jr. highers.) While our male classmates’ wives had babies, we studied (OK, and Meika wasn’t married, yet, so…)

And now, within less than a year of each other, we’ve all had one baby, Heidi is the proud new mama of number 2, and Meika’s got a second one on the way.

When I’m with other moms, I usually feel like I’m younger, like they don’t know what I was like pre-baby, like we don’t have much history together.

For one morning, it was good to watch our girls together. And talk. And know where we all came from.

And here, should you care to watch, is what happens if you load three toddlers into the same crib. (From left to right, Samara, Zora, and Chloe.)

Jumping Beans from Erik Vorhes on Vimeo.

5 Responses to “Jumping Beans”

  1. Erik Says:

    Soooooooooo jealous that you’re having so much fun!

  2. Em Says:

    wow, Z is way taller….and way balder. A true Schemper.

  3. Kirstin Says:

    How fun! Zora is getting so big! Thanks for posting this and the last video. It’s really fun to see. I have a new computer now with a webcam – maybe someday soon when I’m not swimming (or rather, drowning) in pathophysiology, I can get Ryan to help me figure out how to set up Skype.

  4. Viv Says:

    I like the jumping beans! Hugs to all of them!

  5. Sarah G. Says:

    Wow. That’s the biggest festival of cute I’ve seen in a long time!