Choose Your Own Adventure

I haven’t posted in a while, so here, gentle readers, is your chance for a little participation (and maybe some de-lurking!): in the comments, cast your vote for the potential posts you’d like to see. I’ll check back in a few days and write up the most popular.

  1. I’m thinking about running a 25k race in May. This might be insane, since I haven’t run since March. Oh, and I had a baby in August.
  2. Want to know the top ten things I learned at the conference on worship I attended last week?
  3. I met face-to-face-to-face with Meg and Susan.
  4. Two weeks ago, I created a cycle of prayer stations for my high school youth group. I’d love to share it with you all.
  5. I’m trying to pull together a list of good children’s books with overt or covert religious themes.
  6. What’s up lately with my knitting?
  7. I’m long overdue for another post in my churches series. Want to know about the church I grew up in?
  8. I looked at some old posts and I think my writing is going downhill. I wonder why?

Vote away! I’ll write up one of these later this week!

5 Responses to “Choose Your Own Adventure”

  1. ppb Says:

    You might check out possible water, she created a list of children’s books like the ones you seek.

    knitting? I don’t get knitting, so I have no idea what’s up with yours!

  2. Kirstin Says:

    Lucky number 3.

  3. Meg Says:

    I vote for 4 or 5.

    My sister-in-law, who used to teach elementary school got me the most amazing book for Christmas. The title is something like, You Hold Me and I’ll Hold You. Its a picture book meant to help kids handle grief. I’ve got it on my shelf now in case I ever have cause to do a children’s sermon after a crisis in the congregation. I highly recommend it!

  4. Mary Beth Says:

    Tell us about this crazy thing you do called “running.” Do you do it even if no one is chasing you?

  5. Thea Says:

    I vote on the running option, as that may inspire me to train for the River Bank Run too, and given the cold, some inspiration is needed. But would enjoy reading about some Valley CRC memories too.