The End of Presbyquest
For just over a year, I’ve been engaged in a process I fondly refer to as “Presbyquest.” I was ordained as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church two years ago, but I was finding it difficult to find a position in parish ministry, and to find any position where I could remain within a reasonable geographic distance of my husband and his career needs. So I began to explore the possibilty of transferring my ordination to the Presbyterian Church (USA). Yesterday, after committee meetings, four written examinations, interviews, documents, I finished the process. I went before the Presbytery of Chicago and was accepted as an official Presbyterian minister.
The event itself was distinctively of that particular denomination. But it was such a reminder that the Church of Jesus is more than all of the denominations we humans have managed to splinter it into. And, a call to serve is a call to serve this whole Church rather than just a small part of it.
14 December 2005 at 4:32 pm