On this most incredible number day (11/11/11), a few numbers I’m contemplating this week. (None are particularly “biggie” numbers, like fives or tens or anything, but still cause to think around here.) Thirty Four I turn 34 this week. I think this means that I exit any claim to my early thirties and land in [...]
[11 November 2011 | filed under Uncategorized | 0 Comments ]
[4 November 2011 | filed under Uncategorized | 0 Comments ]
Michigan has been working on enacting an anti-bullying law. Nice job, mitten folks. But here’s the upsetting part: in the course of debate, Republicans added a clause that allows for sincerely held opinions based on religion and conscience to be expressed. Here’s a concise explanation of this. (And, yes, I know that my source is [...]
[4 November 2011 | filed under Uncategorized | 0 Comments ]