Around the Table

Protestant female-ministers don’t go in so much for the whole “bride of Christ” language that comes up more often among Catholic nuns. But this weekend, I was pretty much married to the church. (My husband and daughter got to tag along when they could make it.)

On Friday, I wrote a sermon in record time. Out of necessity.

Because, on Saturday, I had:

8:30-3:00 Youth Group Car Wash

(Meanwhile, the deacons were running a blood drive: I donated blood from my husband. I think I as high risk for fainting this weekend.)

9:00-10:00 Confirmation Rehearsal–Confirmands serve communion during the church service, as in “serve” with the plates being passed and “formations” etc. (Always a good thing when I have to be in two places at once. I find it empowers the laity.)

3:00-3:15 Shower

3:30-3:45 Sit on the couch and take deep breaths

4:00-5:15 Trip to Sams Club to pick up confirmation cakes (Which weren’t there. I have a theory going the Lutherans (accidentally) stole our Confirmation Cake order. The only way I can explain this. Next year, I’ll make sure to put the PC(USA) cross on the things so that the Lutherans can’t do this. If this last comment is making you think that I am uncharitable and anti-ecumenical, please remember that I know and love Lutherans, in particular the one I’m married to.)

5:00-6:00 Talk with some Kids and Moms about Children at the Lord’s Table (Oops, two places at once again.)

6:00-7:00 Alternative Worship pre-worship meal

6:15-6:30 Run home to pick up Erik and Zora (Oh, look! Two places at once again!)

6:30-7:00 Breastfeed and eat pizza. And continue theological discussion with moms, kids, and others.
7:00-8:30 Alternative Worship (Thank you, Bart, for letting me do nothing!)

8:30-9:00 Set up tables for Sunday School stations on 5 senses in worship.

Sleep, beautiful sleep

8:00-11:30 Church, including confirmation and all that goes along with that. (Priceless looks of terror on faces of confirmands when we hand them the plates and step back from the tables!)

11:30-1:00 Presbyterian Women Strawberry Brunch (I have never seen strawberries served so many ways. )

1:00 I go home to take a nap before my mother in law arrives.

Now, I’m not doing this to complain. In fact, being busy is somewhat invigorating for me. I love people, I love stuff to do. I LOVE churches where lots is going on.

And the best part of the weekend? In the midst of all this, I kept circling back to the communion table (literally and more representatively): confirmation rehearsal; eating hot dogs with the youth group; the thing with the kids and moms; eating Pizza with church folks; setting up a station on “Taste” in worship for the Sunday School kids; 2 girls reading the story of communion on Saturday night as we gathered at the table; communion on Sunday with the newly-confirmed; strawberries…

And, I hope that the group that stood up and confirmed their faith on Sunday will come back to the Table again and again, too. (That means you, Akua, Brian, Charles, Wes, Anne, Cassidy, Chloe, Ryan, Kyle, Taylor, Ben, and Kate!)

3 Responses to “Around the Table”

  1. ppb Says:

    You know those Lutherans are very tricky. I bet they took your cake. I bet it was pre-destined that they take your cake.

  2. Meika Says:

    Ha! I like that comment. :) I hope that today you’re taking your well-earned Sabbath rest.

  3. Erik Says:

    I blame total depravity on the cake loss.