
New starts involve sorting. Between a new position, a new apartment, and a new baby, I’ve got a lot of sorting coming my way in the next few weeks. I sorted my limited office at the old church last week before leaving, and felt like I did a pretty good job.

But now I am sorting through what remains in the office I’ve inherited. It is a veritable museum of children’s and youth ministry materials. The big question: what stays and what goes? Can I really use 30-year-old publications with ideas for a new and improved Christmas production? How many books of youth ministry games and ice-breakers do I need? More important, perhaps: will I ever read all of the material I’ve inherited?
And then there’s my closet and my dressers. I’d like to organize those before the movers come in. I’d love to get rid of some things, but none of my normal clothes fit around the watermelon that is my belly, and who knows what will fit this fall after I lose the watermelon and gain a baby? How can I sort and donate if I don’t know what I need?

Oh, and the baby–right now, I have two plastic crates full of baby things that are beginning to accumulate. But until we have a new apartment, I can’t engage in any baby-nursery-nesting.

And, with all this sorting, even though I know this is going be a crazy, stressful month and year, I cannot help but feel like God is at least partly sorting my life out. I have a call, a place to be more permanently, and a growing family.