“Christian Formation” category archive
Churches with a play space in the worship space: so good. (And a hill I’m willing to die on in future pastoral leadership!) A post shared by Erica Schemper (@eschemper) on Jul 16, 2017 at 10:35am PDT Last weekend, I posted a picture on instagram of my husband with our two youngest children, playing in [...]
[19 July 2017 | filed under Christian Formation, Stay at Home Reverend, Uncategorized | 0 Comments ]
Here’s my thing about Trump and the second amendment threat. I filter pretty much everything I hear right now through the perspective of a parent. That’s the main gig in my life. So, when I heard what Trump had said, it made me think about the fact that, if one of my kids, even “joking” [...]
[10 August 2016 | filed under Christian Formation | 0 Comments ]
I’ve been totally distracted by the news about the deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. We talked about it this morning at bootcamp class in my affluent, mostly white suburb. The fact that people there are angry is, I think, a small glimmer of hope. Erik and I lamented it before he left for [...]
[7 July 2016 | filed under Christian Formation, Uncategorized | 0 Comments ]
The gathered community today at HTLC. This picture is for the confirmands, as a reminder of the congregation who welcomed them! A photo posted by Erica Schemper (@eschemper) on May 24, 2015 at 3:12pm PDT This year, I’ve been working more closely with the confirmation process at my church than I have in awhile. One [...]
[24 February 2016 | filed under Christian Formation, Curriculum, Lenten Practice 2016 | 0 Comments ]