Check this out

Start your October right—with a bunch of young clergy women. That’s right—we’re a rare breed, female clergy under 40, but we’re fun to be around.

On October 1, The Young Clergy Women Project (funded by the Louisville Institute) is launching a new e-zine, Fidelia’s Sisters. Check it out—a whole gaggle of articles written by young female pastors (at least one of whom’s blog you read…)

Oh, and if you are a young clergy woman yourself, submit something to us!!! We need you, because we have to start publishing new stuff soon!!!!

3 Responses to “Check this out”

  1. Heidi Says:

    Hey, Erica,

    I’m so excited about this e-zine!! Thanks for your work on it…

  2. Susan Says:

    thanks for the heads up. I read a few pieces this afternoon, and they’re great! Way to go Erica and company.

  3. Meg Says:

    Hey Erica,

    I love the pic of you baptizing Zorra on the e-zine home page. I enjoyed browsing through the articles. It always makes me feel remarkably un-alone in the tasks I’m facing, the thoughts I’m thinking and the overwhelming emotions that confront me along the way.
