Course news
I’ll be posting a “semester wrap-up” message on Monday, December 18, if you’re interested.
English 288: I’ll be having “panic session” AIM-based office hours tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 14, 7:00-9:00 PM. You can find me at j0hnb4ll
. If we don’t “chat,” I’ll see you at the exam, Saturday at 9 AM. (Remember also to include your essay draft with your final paper submission, which you should turn in at the beginning of the exams.)
UCWR 110: Final grades will be posted to LOCUS by 3:00 7:00 PM tomorrow (Friday). Promise! Update (12/14, 6:30): I entered your grades before hopping on the train to Chicago. Hopefully they’ll show up soon. (Complain loudly to me at erik(dot)vorhes(at)gmail(dot)com if by 11ish tomorrow morning you can’t see your grade. I probably won’t be able to do anything about it until after the English 288 exam.)