Seven things on Saturday

  1. We reserved a community garden plot today, and I spent about an hour mapping it out and ordering seeds. Mostly because I think Zora needs some dirt in her life. Not because I really have any spare time. Then, my brother pointed out that it might be a good way for us to meet people and make friends. (Erik has suggested that part of the garden plot plans should include a submerged cooler so that we can invite our new garden neighbors over for a beer.)
  2. I actually organized not one, but TWO closets last week. Leading me to wonder if I was abducted by aliens and replaced with an alternate life-form disguised as me. Oh, wait a minute…I did NOT organize my desk at work, so I guess I’m probably still the same person.
  3. Bizarre work task for this week: a multi-media seder for the junior highs. As I was contemplating how to get ahold of seder booklets for every kid there, and at the same time thinking it might be fun and a little campy to use clips from The Ten Commandments when the order calls for telling the story, I thought I might as well combine these two ideas and type the script into the projected program. And so I am learning how to do that. And praying praying praying (in Hebrew as much as I can) that doing this is not completely and totally disrespectful to Judaism.
  4. Bizarre task number two: not really thinking about it, I volunteered to work with my friend Ali to tell our area youth pastors’ meeting something about youth and worship since we are doing a little combined worship thing-y with our two youth groups once a month. Mostly, though, I am at the point of screming in frustration over the fact that NO ONE ANYWHERE (or at least no one who is writing books about it) seems to care that (a) youth are often not engaged by how their congregations do worship; (b) most congregations don’t have the resources to totally crank up, revamp, electrify, re-master, re-form, get all incense-y, or whatever in their regular congregational worship;  (c) doing worship separate for the teens just doesn’t solve the problem; and (d) if we don’t figure this one out, I think teenagers won’t go to church anymore when they are adults. Yes, I am rant-y. Better get that under control before that meeting.
  5. Erik concurs with a colleague who said I should write a book about this. I’m tempted, I might, but WHEN?!?!
  6. Just noticed that I forgot to turn out the hall light for earth hour. But at least I’m going to plant a garden.
  7. I’m working with Zora on naming the places where her close relatives work. It’s a pretty interesting line-up, and she’s close to having this down: Daddy and Auntie Alli in Chicago; Bama in Hinsdale (that’s “bama” as in Grandma, not the leader of the free world); Auntie Sherstin, Tacoma; Bafouf, Marquette; Mama, at church; Auntie Emmy, England; Uncle Mark, Evanston; Auntie Anna, Africa; and then there’s Bumpa (grandpa), and here she’s a little confused since she sees him head off to work not at his actual palce of employment in Michigan, but when he’s in Chicago for a long weekend. Bumpa works at Starbucks.

5 Responses to “Seven things on Saturday”

  1. susan Says:

    Write the book! Talk to folks in Witvliet’s shop. I bet there could be some grant money either from Lilly or the Louisville Institute. And, if you find any great case studies, I’m all ears/eyes until you write the book.

  2. sko3 Says:

    I love that Bumpa works at Starbucks. My nieces thought I worked at the beach, since they’d never (and still have never) seen my place of work or even home, but they’d seen me at the beach, so they thought I worked there.

  3. Linda Hagedorn Says:

    My thoughts exactly, Erica! You’d write a great book. Start making notes. I enjoy reading your blog so much. Keep up the great work.

  4. Kirstin Says:

    Yes, write a book!

  5. Meika Says:

    I think you should blog on one worship-and-teensy topic here every week. By this time next year, your book will be well on its way. Easy! :)