Advent Music (part 2)

I’m curious now about other people’s favorite Advent music. So, I’m starting a meme. 5 favorite Advent songs, maybe traditional, maybe just things make you feel all Advent-y, and we’d really like to know if there’s a recording you especially like.
I tag: Meg; Katherine; Heidi; and Stacey.

One Response to “Advent Music (part 2)”

  1. Kristen Zoetewey Says:

    Hi Erica–Just discovered your blog, which I found through Heidi’s, which I found through Mary’s. (Heidi is a friend of my mother in law’s as Tim a minister at their church, and Jim went to high school with Mary). Congratulations on Zora, what a cutie-pie! Sounds like you all are well. Are you still running and playing the flute?